Home Campus News Students Present Ideas to Bioniche Professionals

Students Present Ideas to Bioniche Professionals

December 12, 2012

Second-year students in the Business Administration, and Business Sales and Marketing programs, presented marketing strategies they developed for Immunocidin to Andrew Grant, Président, Bioniche Animal Health (Monde) and Beiyao Chen, Administration Manager, Bioniche Animal Health Canada.  Immunocidin, a new Bioniche cancer treatment for dogs, will be launched in Canada in January 2013.

Bioniche PresentationLeft to Right:

Beiyao Chen, Administration Manager, Bioniche Animal Health Canada and Andrew Grant, Président, Bioniche Animal Health (Monde)

Bioniche Animal Health Canada Inc.

Bioniche Presentation 2Business student Kate Guerard, was part of the second-year class presenting to Beiyao Chen, Administration Manager, Bioniche Animal Health Canada (right) and Andrew Grant, Président, Bioniche Animal Health (Monde). 
