
Taking the time to relax is as important as eating healthy and working out. Relaxation helps us manage stress, improve our moods, improves our concentration and memory, and reduces our chances for physical illnesses. Below are a few different techniques you can try out today.

Relaxation Techniques

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a technique that involves slowly tensing a group of muscles as you breathe in, and then relaxing them as you breathe out. This exercise teaches focus on the difference between muscle tension and relaxation which can help to reduce stress.

Deep Breathing-Controlled lowers blood pressure promotes feelings of calm and relaxation and helps to de-stress. Click here for deep breathing exercises for stress relief.

Studies show that meditation not only lowers blood pressure but can also boost your immune system while improving your ability to concentrate.

Mindfulness can help! Mindfulness is a tool that anyone can use at any time. It encourages us to slow down, accept things as they are, cope well with problems or difficulties, and simply appreciate what is in our life right now.

Wellness Module: Mindfulness